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Creators! Join us!

MIKBook is happy to collaborate on even more awesome comics! You have a cool idea for an interactive comic? E-mail MIK! Perhaps we can work on something beautiful together!

  • Join us in making even better interactive comics!
    MIK is happy to collaborate! Would you like to make interactive comics? Add sound? Music and maybe even some interactive gameplay? After our first contact by mail we look at the ideas and possibilities. The best thing would be to make something that works specifically for this medium. There are so many possibilities online and it is difficult to get lost in all the options. Both for the readers and the creators. So it's time to shed some light on that. And MIK sure has some ideas on how to do just that. We'll look at the possibilities based on a MIKBook template. In order for interactive comics to work properly, we need a standard. Just as it is clear with a comic book that we have to turn a page, this also has to be the case with interactive comics. But, rules are there to be broken! Are you as enthusiastic about interactive comics as MIK? Do you work digitally and are you ready for a new challenge? Or maybe you already have a story on the shelf that would lend itself super for an online comic and should certainly be told to the world? Email MIK! Together we can figure out how we can best offer your ideas online. With a standard template we can get something online fairly quickly. Applying music and sound effects can also be done relatively easily and possible gameplay can be investigated. Feel free to forward your portfolio of your work or ideas for it. By means of a small PDF, via WeTransfer for example. ( MIK is happy to consult with you and is always curious about new enthusiastic creatives! Thanks in advance for your email!
  • I want to make interactive comics too! Can you help me?
    YES! Super cool that you are also enthusiastic! MIK is toying with the idea of ​​giving a workshop. He is not a teacher and has no experience in giving workshops. But he likes to share his knowledge and experiences. If there is enough interest, it might be interesting to think about it further... Interested? Please let us know via email. Add your name and I'll put it on a list. If there is enough interest, it might be interesting to organize something. Tip; get a MIKBook PRO membership and visite the Go PRO pages: The Art of Saving Maggie and The Art of Little BIG Crashes! I'm sure you can get something out of it, have fun!
  • Equal pay for creators!
    'Love makes the world go round'. Just like art. Passion. Music. And money. Unfortunately we can't avoid that. MIKBook is a passion project and only online for a few months. We are carefully exploring the internet water to slowly build more confidence that things work and communicate clearly. MIK believes in collaborations. By working together and using each other's network, enormous growth can be achieved. By distributing the income fairly and evenly, these will not be very large in the beginning, but they will provide an equal drive to grow MIKBook. Which hopefully contributes to an enthusiastic network of makers and readers to ultimately generate income for all makers.
  • Workshops? A good idea?
    MIK is thinking about giving workshops. A workshop in making online digital comics. With the help of a MIKBook template you get to know the program Hype Tumult. Together we go through the interface and possibilities of the program. We learn to place images, add sound and music to your project. And who knows, we may even be playing with some simple Interactive elements. We're going to test the comics and learn how to put them online. Not sure if you want to make interactive comics yet? No problem. Knowledge of Hype Tumult is always a nice bonus. In addition to mikbooks, you can also use it to create websites, presentations, animations and even animated GIFS. It kinda works like Adobe Flash, only with the latest techniques of today. Hype Tumult is a MacOs program with a full functioning free trial version that's available with a one-time purchase. Where: Any workshop will take place in the NYMA makerspace in Nijmegen. Or perhaps online for foreign interest? Cost: If there is enough interest I can let you know more about costs, duration and content. Software: We work with Hype Tumult. (Apple) There is a free 2 week trial version, for recent costs of purchase see Hype Tumult ( Would you like to follow such a workshop? Let MIK know!
  • A collaboration? Sounds fun! But what does it take?
    Fair question! MIKBook is a passion project. And MIK is enthusiastic about interactive comics spending as much freetime on it as he can. He likes to work with other enthusiastic creators to show what online comics can do. Think of it as a hobby project from MIK. All MIK asks of you is your enthusiasm for making comics, cooperation, patience and time. We divide any income that arises equally among all online comics.
  • Why combine music with comics?
    Music only needs one tone to let you know what kind of atmosphere there is. In movies, music is 50% of the whole experience. Why couldn't that be the case in comics? :) Music brings emotion. Melancholy. Cheerfulness. Anger. Love. Things that movies have been using for years to enhance their story. Why couldn't that work in comics?
  • Why soundeffects in comics?
    Sound effects are a little trickier than music. Sound effects often suggest movement. Something that works less well with still images. Therefor we try to avoid that use of soundeffects. What works really well? The power of your imagination! THE power of comics! By using stationary sound effects, or keeping them more out of the picture, we create the illusion of movement. Something that greatly enhances your reading experience. Example of a still sound effect: an alarm clock going off. Storm. Tension arcs. Moving sound effects are for example; footsteps on a creaking floor. A driving car. A smiling figure. Using the techniques of audiobooks, sound effects become a useful tool within these comic.
  • Why interactivity in comics?
    Interactivity creates ambiance. An experience. An active participation in a story. MIK believes that should also be the only way to use interactivity within MIKBook. To enhance your experience of a story. Flashy speech bubbles, moving frames, 3D effects... all very cool... But distract from the story. The power of comics is in the power of your imagination. Online we can enhance this reading experience by means of. music, sound and interactivity. But it's a thin line. Too much and it's distracting. Too little and it stands out. The trick is to find a nice middle ground. In a way that it doesn't stand out, but enhances your reading experience!
  • To infinity and beyond!
    To infinity and beyond! Comics are stories. People are stories. And it's so important to share them. Where music and film have so many different stages... TV, cinema, festivals, radio etc... longer comic stories can only be read in physical books. And that in itself is totally fine! ...But an extra podium would be nice, wouldn't it? And especially if the stage offers opportunities for growth! That is why MIK likes to work on interactive comics. They have potential. Creativity. Room for growth. And the future!
  • What is MIKBook?
    MIKBook is a passion project of illustrator Maikel Verkoelen. Here you will find all kinds of (comic) stories supplemented with music, sound effects, voice-over or interactive game elements.
  • How to read a MIKBook?
    We want to make reading / browsing through a MIKBook as easy as possible. And it works just like a physical book. Divide your page screen (tablet, laptop, mobile) in half in your mind: • Click/tap to the right of the screen to scroll through, • Click/tap to the left of the screen to go back. We try to keep this as standard in all MIKBooks. Of course, all kinds of extra buttons or elements can be used for interaction. With most MIKBooks you will see the following icon: Non-Linear: This MIKBook allows you to scroll forward and backward With some MIKBooks you see the following icon: If a story is built on the length of the music or the cadence of a poem, this timing is predominant. It is therefore not possible to go back in this MIKBook. Sound is indispensable for some short MIKBooks. A reminder to turn on the sound so as not to miss anything: Do you want to enjoy all that beauty full screen? Then search for that function in your favorite browser. Many browsers offer a function to hide the URL or button bar. Both on mobile and laptop.
  • Why make interactive comics?
    Because there is still so much to discover with digital comics! When you think of digital comics, you might immediately think of comics on Instagram. Comic makers have found all kinds of ways to show them there. And where Instagram is still perfect for short webcomics, it is more difficult on Facebook. Not to mention Twitter, TikTok and others. Social media is therefore not really useful for longer visual stories. And there is still so much to discover in the world of online comics. Think of game elements, puzzles, think of defusing a bomb within a story, deadlines, timers, think of jump scares, think of different collaborations! Think of your favorite band writing music for your favorite comic! The possibilities are endless! And MIKBook would like to discover them all! Join us!
  • What does interactivity mean on
    With interactive stories you may quickly think of storylines and choices you have to make. While that can happen, it's not where our focus is. By interactive, we think of interactive gameplay. You participate in the story. Like opening a door, defusing an explosive device. Cleaning up a room or dressing a figure. Interactive comics originated on the internet sometime in the 90's. In the form of an uploaded PDF. A scanned comic page that was simply put online. Sometimes some sound was added. A few years later, the motion comics appeared in which the pictures appeared one by one. Meanwhile, several projects were started online. From huge productions to simple readable comics. A well-known Dutch site was, for example, ( on which comics were shared online for many years. However, interactivity remained absent for a long time. Sometime in 2015, Marvel and DC published motion comics versions of their superheroes. Speech bubbles popped into view, simple animations and sound or music here and there. However, many of these comics looked more like little glorified animations than comics. The reading experience itself, remained in the background. MIKBook wants to focus more on reading comics. Stimulating your imagination and bring back the reading of comics.
  • I'm not a supporter of online comics! I want to support analogue comics!
    MIK too! There is nothing better than a beautifully designed book, fresh from the printer. However, MIKBook does not differentiate between digital or analog comic creators. Digital creators create analog comic books and analog comic creators create webcomics. The reality is that comics are having a hard time in the Netherlands. Before a publisher releases a new comic book album, they also look at how large the author's audience is. How many followers does a comic creator have? And what kind of comics do we see on social media? Often short webcomics. Longer stories don't lend themselves well to social media, which makes it more difficult for creators of longer stories to build an audience. MIKBook is not going to change this, but it can offer creators of longer stories a new platform. Which gives them the chance to be discovered by you. It's up to you as a reader to discover these and thus also support comic makers offline.
  • About the contribution options
    MIKBook MINI, MAX & PRO: All contributions are one-time payment and your membership is automatically canceled after the agreed period. (2 weeks / 4 week / 2months Via Log in, My Subscription, you can see which subscription is active. Here you can cancel your subscription at any time. After cancellation, your subscription is still valid until the end of the paid period. No refunds can be made. You can pay by: IDEAL, Credit Card, PayPal or Apple PAY.
  • How does MIKBook protect online comics?
    Good question! With a specially built-in Token, linked to your subscription, the comics are only readable by you. As soon as the link is copied, the Token loses its validity and the comic is not readable by others.
  • I found an annoying bug, now what?
    Awesome! You have read one of our MIKbooks very thoroughly! Thanks for your time. Know that MIKBook is a passion project and we cannot test or try everything. MIK himself is not a web developer but tries as best as he can to give you the best online experience. If you want to contribute to make MIKBook even better, feel free to send your feedback via email; Studiomik at Thank you!
  • Where can I read MIKBook the best?
    For the best reading experience, you can of course sit on the couch, have a cup of coffee, put on your headphones and dive into your tablet! Happy reading! On mobile there are so many different screen sizes that can also be rotated vertically and horizontally. Then we have input by mouse, but also with touch. Fonts. Sounds. Various browsers with different versions of the same operating system. ...and MIK is still simply on his own. The online world is quite a mess once you dive into it. And it is therefore impossible to test everything. MIKBook should work on any device, but the question is, whether it remains a pleasant reading experience. In addition, comics work with text and thought bubbles. Something that is often a challenge in a physical book. *Looking at you Tintin. :) On a small mobile screen it is impossible to combine all this and maintain a good reading experience. Lets face it, you want to see that drawing in the largest possible format, don't you? Just like a movie in the cinema! Forget that cup of coffee. Popcorn it is! Tip: do you have a smart TV? Try MIKBook on your big screen!
  • MIK, that sounds familiar...
    MIK is synonymous with illustrator, cartoonist, live artist and designer Maikel Verkoelen. Professionally active since 2004 under the name StudioMIK, an illustrative design agency. You might know him as the cartoonist of World of DIK. A dark and sarcastic horror underground comic book. From IkMIK. A comic about an artist who wakes up in his own comic album, also published by Syndicate Publishers. Or maybe you know him from his viral IKEA comics on Instagram. Via his website ( Or via ( Or has he ever copied you on stage with his band The Square Keys. Who knows, you may have one of his self-published booklets; Little BIG Crashes, The Art of Saving Maggie or SelfWord in the house. Or maybe you still have his Big Fat MIKbook lying around somewhere. Do you live in Nijmegen? Then you may know him from the neighborhood newspaper Nijmegen Oost, or as a Kaaij draftsman during the summer parties. If not, we may know each other from the Freshly Painted Verses at the NYMA makers market. If that's not all... then it's time for a cup of coffee.

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