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Coming for you. 2025

Welcome weary traveller.




Little BIG Crashes

Off into space, to stumble upon a whole new, but rather familiar race...
A rhyme based story with a super cute voice over.

Curious? Try our FREE short stories right here!



Push right in the next frame to start 

You came this far. Now
imagine this!

Longer stories  Breathtaking music
Thrilling sound effects
Intense gameplay 

Using your webcam...


But wait.
There's more.


Saving Maggie!
The interactive comic where it all started. A little girl growing up on 18 wheels of steel. On the road, with her dad in an apocalyptic landscape, looking for her mom...

Are you able to Save Maggie?

Saving Who?

Want to know more about Saving Maggie and MIKBook?

Have a look at our trailer below.
A short overview of all the exciting comics we have,
right here, right now!


During the Biggest Drawing festival in The Netherlands; The BIG DRAW,
Saving Maggie was shown on the big screen.


Or should I say, READ and EXPERIENCED on the big screen!

Saving Maggie played at:

• LUX Nijmegen
• Rozet Arnhem
• Theaterzaal Luxor Zutphen

• Stripmakersdagen Helmond x 3

And people were excited! So why stop there? 

Let's find out how far we can go...




Watch a walkthrough of

Curious what MAGGIE is about? Have a quick look at this video walkthrough of Saving Maggie. Sit back and watch. Want to be part of the story? Solve puzzles? Read at your own pace and experience how YOU will Save Maggie? 

Become a member for just 8 euro and get acces to all the comics for 2 weeks!


Step into the 
world of 

Imagine the most beautiful images, combined with your favorite band, in collaboration with the most creative comic artist. Full screen. Told in a cinematic way. That's my vision of MIKBook.

Music, gameplay and sound effects, all brought together in one graphic story. That's MIKBook.
A passion project by illustrator Maikel Verkoelen.

MIKBook is an online platform where reading longer visual stories is central. Something that is similar to playing a game, watching a movie and listening to music, but always remains a reading experience. What does that feel like?

Grab your tablet, dive into a MIKBook and...
experience it yourself!

For just 8 euros you have access to all MIKBooks for 2 weeks! Or try the FREE Demos first

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"Sometimes you don't wanna game and just read something! Briljant idea!"   
ProCreate spokesperson @Playgrounds festival Eindhoven

How it works?
Just like a book!

How to read interactive comics like MIKBook

A creaking door. Rumbling sounds. The tension rises... How cool would it be to make all of that tangible? How awesome would it be to defuse that bomb yourself? To open a door yourself or to find your way through a story with a flashlight? Not to just read a comic, but to truly experience it! To feel it? To live it!

With MIKBook you can!

To achieve this, reading should be as easy as reading a book. That was the goal. When you start a MIKBook, imagine the screen is split in half. Tap on the right half of the screen to move forward in the story. Tap on the left half to go back.

Easy peasy!



Still here! Awesome!

Try the first 2 chapters of Saving Maggie for FREE right here

Like a storyboard,
but alive!

Interactive comics are, of course not new. In fact, they are a step back. It's not animation. Not a movie or a game. Instead of more, more, more, MIKBook takes a step back. Reading comics is ultimately all about sparking your imagination! Instead of distracting animations, flying text balloons or 3D elements, we added some music, sound effects and gameplay. Just a little more than a physical comic, just enough to remain a reading experience. More than enough to make your imagination pop!


Story artist?
Join us!

yildiz gies mik studio gitaar koptelefoon mikbook
Anna Stalinski Staal tijdschrijft tulpen boekenkast
irada talks voice-over @iradatalks voice booth voice-acting

As a illustrator I am always looking for new challenges and creativity is a big part of that. Creating interactive comics opens up a world of possibilities. It's new. It is exciting. And in my opinion, a great addition to the ever-growing world of comics! ​


So much is possible online, where a lot of cool, short comics are shared. Unfortunately, social media does not lend itself for longer stories, sound or interactive elements. And you will rarely find longer visual stories there. ​And that is a pity, because there is still so much beauty to be discovered.


With MIKBook I see so many opportunities online and my fingers are itching to get started! Not only for kids, but also for adult readers. Not only for me, but also for everyone who wants to participate in this project. By using all the possibilities of the digital world, together we can approach comics in a whole new way. 


With a small donation you not only support this project, but also the creators of all these comics. Not only online but also offline in the real world. So we all can spend more time together on even better interactive stories. With MIKBook I see opportunities and possibilities. And I believe comics are still on the verge of great things to come.


Join us! The water is beautifull!



Help us make MIKBook even better by filling in this feedback form. Thanks!

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Get acces to all comics for 2 weeks for only 8 euro


Sign up for FREE GOODIES!

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